Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I know, for the past few months I've been suckin on keepin yall posted thru the blog, but IM BAAAAAACK. We'll see how long my constant posting will last lol.
ANYWAY, i have alot to fill you in on. Perfromance, Overnight Mixtape 6, school, etc. so heeeeerreee we go

Actually the flier has an error, doors open at 9, show starts at 10. I'll go on late like round midnight. Be nice if you stick around, wont hate on you if you dont lol. So bring a friend. OPENMIC will be rockin the stage with me, and we always put it down live so no question thatll the show will be hype as usual.
Ok, now for Overnight Mixtape, Vol. 6... after last weeks disappointment, IM SO EXCITED CUZ WE ARE BACK! Ive been writing my butt off in preparation for the HUGEST MIXTAPE COMEBACK IN RAP HISTORY! Hahaha so seriously, just get ready... thats all ima say. Me, Grady, and Sir Lazenby are hungrier than ever. So just know that we are BRINGIN IT tomorrow night after my show. Overnight 6 is goin down in HISTORY!
FINALLY, yall know I always got drama at school... I always got drama either with my professors or the Admissions, Financial Aid folk, whatever... Well, the most recent drama is some lady, who shall not be named, tellin me how to spend my free time! I know Im graduating, I know I will get my degree... eventually. Im not concerned about that. But my PRIORITY is making sure I grind hard enuff while im here to ensure that the second I walk across that stage, I will already be walking into the world a financially stable man in my career. Im finna be huge. Famous. Large. Everything. Im not there yet. So I have work to do. And ill be DARNED (lol) if ANYBODY tell me I need to focus more on my studies to make better grades...
TRICK, last time I checked yall took me off scholarship and replaced it with loans, so please lemme do me. Straight up, she told me I need to spend less time on the music cuz its not so important now. Woman please. This IS my life. School is easy. School is nothing. Then she said "Im an academic role model. people pay attention to the grades I make." ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?! i have NEVER got off stage after performing and had a fan ask me what is my GPA.... RETARD. I aint never cared what anybody thought of me. Sometimes I might take it personal for a few seconds, maybe a full minute. Sometimes an hr if it stings. But after that whatever haha. So why in the hell wuld I care what a nigga gotta say about my GPA???
She called me to her office and tried to chew me out over some grades. Biggest waste of my time. Lemme get this straight, the school has taken me off scholarship, then she wanna take it upon herself to follow my academic progress??? For what? I dont hear u tryna offer me any money. However publishing companies are. Sooooo... Music wins. THIS IS MY LIFE.
She suggested I drop a class I wasnt doin to well in. Thats cool. But THEN she tried to SUGGEST what I should do with my free time after I drop the class...
"...and then have the extra time to focus on your other classes (notice I did not say to use the extra time to focus on music)"
I replied with some professional yet straightforward email
"Well I appreciate the help, but I think I have the situation figured out now after talking with [my teacher] over the past few days and again today in depth. And as far as free time, I believe there is never a better idea than to devote more time to my passion and career."
Look, I hope she reads this. I hope she calls me back in her office to "talk".
I just think my university drama is funny cuz they gon be askin me for money and donations and to come speak and perform for the students when I make it big. Watch. And what Ima do? Throw em a few million and show em what my below average grade point average did for me.
ANYWAY, im at work lol. Show tomorrow. Mixtape Friday. I rock.
Labels: belmont university, college, drama, Grady Woodruff, nobots, openmic, overnight mixtape
2:36 PM  |
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