Sunday, March 29, 2009

DJ Wick-It The Instigator
What can i say about this man
Dude is a genius. And not just one of them book smart, correct my english geniuses... one of them wise words, learned from experience, "listen to me and you might leave smarter than you came" type geniuses. I had the pleasure of kickin it with him at his crib this weekend. He scratched on a track on my EP "Grow Old With You" and did a hell of a job, so I FINALLY got a chance to meet up with him and pay him this weekend.
I never really had a chance to sit and chat with him even though I have seen him a few times and know
of him, just never really got to
know him. We have a lot of mutual friends with us both bein in the urban scene here in Nashville. For those that dont know, Wick-It is one of the best local DJ's when it comes to authentic turntablism, raw hip hop, and the roots of it all. He DJ's for events such as "Mashville" and "Blazin In The Boro" which are two of the bigger local monthly hip hop parties. So I knew him by reputation but didnt know much about him... until yesterday
When I got to his crib, I had my money in hand ready to just hand it to him and dip, but he invited me in, which I aint expect. So I just decided to go ahead and chill for a bit... hell, it was Saturday anyway
We went to his room where he had his turntables, computer, and THOUSANDS of vinyls. After sharing some pretty great "inspiration" (which was unexpected as well LOL) we just got to talkin bout life, music, interests, goals etc. I found out he's been DJ-in for bout 8 or 9 yrs now. He told me bout his middle school stories at church camp gettin caught listenin to NWA lol. It reminded me of my mom finding my hidden Eminem cd's and gettin pissed lol... oh what memories
The most insightful part of the conversation was when he gave his thoughts on the hip hop and overall music scene in Nashville. Its just interesting because in addition to me and my overall style of music, there are so many other artists that are not necessarily the same, but in the same category of electronic/hip hop/dance/dj influenced music. And its crazy because Nashville is well on its way to developing a "sound"... a straight up certified hometown genre that the rest of the world associates us with (and NO its not country for all you ignorant people lol). I learned about some great local artists on the come up:
>Speaker Spell, a group of 2 dj's that put on a crazy live show with light animations and graphics, heavily Justice and Daft Punk influenced. I didnt know there was anything like that in Nashville!!!>N.O.B.O.T.S., a emcee and DJ with a twist... straight up electro-rap, techno dance music. the combination is ridiculous!! you already know ive hit em up on myspace about collabos and such. Nashville is def on its way and Im excited because I feel like I am apart of the next big music movement.
So Wick-It def dropped some crazy knowledge. He calls himself an "uncle" to younger kats like myself lol, and Im soakin in every bit of advice he has to offer. I now have even more confidence in my career and my skills as an artist
For those of you who dont know DJ Wick-It The Instigator, definitely check out his myspace link below. He is a local legend in my book. We will be sharing the stage along with my band Biscuits and Gravy this Saturday April 4th opening up for the Nappy Roots at Exit/In. If you are in the area def come out
Labels: dj wick-it, nobots
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