As Grady, Sir Lazenby, and I prepare to spend the bulk of the summer traveling around Colombia, I've been doin a lot of research on the country, some of the slang, and the culture. Last Friday we listened to a few Colombian artists we'd never heard of. None of us can even IMAGINE the type of music we are gonna make when we're there. The fact that im actually gonna be in Colombia hasnt actually hit me yet, and I dont think it will til I start packing... or maybe on the airplane... or maybe not even til im there! Lol who knows. However I DO know that this is gonna change our lives dramatically. Ive never been out of the country, not to mention I've never written original music for advertisements, documentaries, films or anything. And I'm doin all of that plus more. So please believe i am on a permanent high on level TEEEEENNNN. I been tryna polish up my Spanish and everything! Ya boi gon be COLD with my Spanish by the time i get back! hahaha
When we were listening to Colombian music on YouTube, we came across a fairly popular rap group from Colombia called ChocQuibTown that all of us really enjoy. They kinda remind me of a Colombian Fugees haha. Hopefully we'll get the chance to work with them. I love their song "Somos Pacifico" and the video is sick. Check it out
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