Tuesday, February 9, 2010
i HATE homework. Teachers should ask ME what interests ME, and then test me on that. Ive overslept the past two days. And even though it has been refreshing to get some extra sleep, it wasnt planned and i missed 2 tests and a few important classes so its not as great as it sounds haha.
So here I am attempting to do hw. TV on mute, headphones on full blast bumpin old Maroon 5. I have to do this assignment for English about an old childrens book of my choice and what i learned or something like that. First off, why the hell would I have a childrens book? Second, why would I go thru the trouble of getting one? Definitely NOT worth the effort. I was thinking bout
Curious George or
Harold and the Purple Crayon, but I cant find either one free online. So now im back to square one.... thinking about doing hw but not actually doing it.
School is the most retarded, stupid, pointless, necessary, maturing, rewarding thing ever. And I say that from a general standpoint. College isnt for everybody, but education, growth, maturity, and experience is. And thats what college is for most people. Unfortunately, this being my 4th (and NOT final) year at Belmont, I just have the worst attitude towards college now. Ive been here forever, and I feel like Ive gained alot from it, but dont necessarily have alot to
show for it. And one thing Im NOT afraid to admit, is that Im all about appearances haha. Lets be real. Im waiting for the SECOND i can march into the financial aid and admissions offices here at my university after my first huge success from music just to say NA NA NA BOOO BOOO I PROVED YALL WRONG! I DONT NEED YALL!! I GOT RICH WITHOUT YALL HELP!!! But the truth is any success I have attained thus far is in part due to my university days...
College was my first and is still my primary fan base. And most importantly, college allows me to focus even MORE on music than I would be able to if i dropped out. (Ya boy aint got no major bills yet!) College is my excuse, alibi, and justification for the life i live: late nights, crazy parties, intense studio sessions, u name it. Its oookkk... cuz im in college haha. And I realize that being here buys me time to put in the necessary sacrifices to ensure that i NEVER have to be worried about a job after graduation.
So I write ALL THAT to say, Im in school for a reason... And i think its time i did my hw for the night lol
Labels: belmont university, college
7:06 PM  |
Word! Looking back at my college years (2003-2007), I've got some mixed feelings. The school I chose to attend was severely overpriced: The International Academy of Design and Technology where one academic quarter cost me at least 10 Gs and a three-subject notebook from the bookstore cost 10 bucks! And really, I didn't need a degree or licensing to practice what I majoured in (Visual Communications a.k.a Graphic Design). On the other hand, even though my college years weren't half, hell not even an EIGHTH as interesting as yours, I enjoyed the experiences I had (working almost 40 hours a week and staying up til 4 AM doing a 16-page paper on Malcolm X), the people I met, and the hook-ups I got (gettin' $400 and $500 dollar design software for F.R.E.E!)
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Word! Looking back at my college years (2003-2007), I've got some mixed feelings. The school I chose to attend was severely overpriced: The International Academy of Design and Technology where one academic quarter cost me at least 10 Gs and a three-subject notebook from the bookstore cost 10 bucks! And really, I didn't need a degree or licensing to practice what I majoured in (Visual Communications a.k.a Graphic Design). On the other hand, even though my college years weren't half, hell not even an EIGHTH as interesting as yours, I enjoyed the experiences I had (working almost 40 hours a week and staying up til 4 AM doing a 16-page paper on Malcolm X), the people I met, and the hook-ups I got (gettin' $400 and $500 dollar design software for F.R.E.E!)