Friday, January 1, 2010
There is so much going thru my mind.... well actually theres been alotta goin thru my mind this entire holiday season. The next 6 months for me will be the moment of truth concerning my music career. Why? I mean theres no way to really explain it, it just is. I know it.... i
feel it. And the one thing that has never failed me is my gut feeling.
So, the past few weeks since school let out for the semester, I've just been, what i call,
hibernating. I dont mean Ive been sleeping in a bunch or being lazy, but i really just been in this whole "perfect my craft" mood. (Ideally I wuld have flown to another country and told everybody not to call me haha but its the holidays) So Ive been writing my butt off. Ive been exercising my butt off. Lol. Why? Cuz i have to be ready. Every single aspect of my artistry and image has to get where it needs to be really soon. So, i really aint wanted to see nobody unless it deals with music, and I aint been in the mood to be out really
So when my girlfriend and I went downtown Nashville last night to bring in the New Year with all the other TEN FREAKIN THOUSAND PEOPLE, i cheered, i yelled (the fireworks were dope lol). But in my gut I felt anxious, nervous, and excited all at the same time, cuz 2010 is really here. And this year has more significance than I realize yet. I dont know... things like this are hard to blog. Hell, my life is hard to blog, but I have to say this
How did I come to this conclusion about 2010? For once everything in my life is where it needs to be (or pretty darn close). Like the people around me... Robb 'Sir' Lazenby (and Dad Lazenby haha), Grady Woodruff, Henna Jurca, and my publicist Miji are all on the same goal path with me. I finally have that ultimate network of support that encourages, motivates, and challenges me. My TEAM. My own PARENTS are now SET on the fact that this is what Im meant to do. Back in high school my mom wasn't even cool with me goin to a music college lol
In addition to that, theres SO much else goin on. I dont feel like wasting time to explain, because I really just want to DELIVER on it. Like I said this is my hibernation period. Yall just gon have to wait... cuz my plans HAVE to be executed perfectly from here on out.
Thanks to everybody for ur help, support, hate, criticism, tweets, messages, money, etc etc. I just think its funny how I always keep forgetting that God has been guiding my life since before I was born and has been blessing along the way. But lucky for Him he knows whats next lol. Im still waiting. But the good thing is that its sooooo close.
So yea. 2010. I didnt wanna do sum cheesy resolution blog post, because this year is so much more
This is the beginning of the new greatest year of my life...
Labels: 2010, Dad Lazenby, Grady Woodruff, henna jurca, Miji, New Years, Sir Lazenby
7:26 PM  |
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