Friday, January 15, 2010
2 weeks into 2010. Spring semester classes have started. The recording and writing process for the next project continues, as well as my on going hibernation period. For those that havent seen me, I have a mini beard now hahaha. It wont get thick like errbody elses haha but this is the thickest its been. I love it tho. I really feel like it matches my mood and my state of mind. Im pretty deep into my creative process and my new and evolved sound. So I just feel the beard compliments it. Sorta like the Kanye Love Lockdown scraggly bear look during the 808s and Heartbreak phase LOL

So i'm still trying to avoid makin appearances in certain places if i can help it. I wouldnt even mind taking all online classes this semester just to cut out having to walk on Belmont's campus and sit in class with everyone else. Shoooot, I wouldnt even mind bein escorted to the studio and back in a limo or a really dark tinted vehicle. I dont wanna see nobody, and I sholl dont want nobody to see me. For example, its Friday, and instead of going out tonight to some highly promoted yet highly questionable party I have nothing to do with and nothing to benefit, Im stayin in and chillin with the people most important to me. Plus, if I really wanna go to a party, Ill just throw a better one with Sir Lazenby, perform at it, AND get paid for it. Ive been learning how to spread myself thin and lay low. That goes for everything from limiting the number of shows I play to even tweeting less.
I really dont wanna be distracted. My new songs have only been shared with a very small group of close and trusted friends. And even that proves to be a little too much sometimes.
My work ethic is not quite in overdrive yet, but its quickly getting there. Ill give it another 2 weeks before I start spending nights in the studio.
Currently tho, I'm happier than Ive ever been. My focus is top notch right now and its allowed me to further perfect every aspect of my songwriting, flow, lyricism, and production. Im so excited about this project and its gonna blow alotta ppl away.
Oh and the LA trip? Ive gotten alotta questions about it. But really, theres nothing I have to say to yall about it. It was crazy, and Ive been on a high from it ever since. It was just a taste of the life I work for, and that was all I needed to successfully motivate me to finish this project by the deadline we have set.
As always I feel truly blessed and favored by God, and Im thankful for the growing talent and potential he's given me. With that being said, I'm bout to blow...
Labels: kanye west, LA, Sir Lazenby
2:10 PM  |
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