Friday, September 11, 2009

SOOOO.... me, Sir Lazenby, and Grady Woodruff did it again...
A whole entire mixtape done overnight... for a second week in a row
I have not slept since Wednesday night hahaha but im SO high off life.
I must say, we have outdone not only ourselves on this tape, but we outdid Vol. 1....
Also, this time we had some ALL STAR features. First off shoutout to the AMAZINGLY gifted and gorgeous Skye Parrish who MURDERS the song.... well its a surprise, just download the mixtape!
And BIIIG ups to my partner in crime OPENMIC who practically MADE the tape... OMG. The freestyles are legendary. And not just in a "oh thats tight my nigga" kinda way, but a CAREER DEFINING way. Me and Mike NEVER did give and go freestyles back to back like we did on a number of tracks, and i finally have PROOF of why my team reigns supreeeeeeme. Try and test us...
Overall, I am now in BEAST MODE. I haven't slept in over 24 hrs, but the buzz off life will not subside. Is that even correct grammar? Lol i dont know. Im so tired that I'm numb lol and I have a performance tonight... LETS GET IT!!
DOWNLOAD THE MIXTAPE NOW! Be apart of history. This really is something EPIC.
Click here to download the OVERNIGHT MIXTAPE, VOL. 2
Labels: BEAST MODE, Grady Woodruff, openmic, overnight mixtape, Sir Lazenby, Skye Parrish
12:03 PM  |
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