Tuesday, August 11, 2009
As promised, here are the long awaited
Acappellas from The Sci Fly EP. Producers, DJ's, remixers, aspiring beat makers... SHOW ME WHAT U GOT! The deadline for the remix CD is one month from today on September 11th.
http://tinyurl.com/sciflyacYou can email your remixes to futuretheartist@gmail.com
They will be blasted on youtube, twitter, a BUNCHA online blogs, etc etc. So if you are looking for some more exposure or just wanna show off your skills,
download THE SCI FLY EP ACAPPELLAS and get to work!
http://tinyurl.com/sciflyacShout out to
DJ Jane Dupree that already did her thing to "Cleaning Out My Hard Drive"
Labels: acappella, dj jane dupree, the sci fly ep acappella
8:03 PM  |
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