Monday, August 31, 2009
I have not posted a blog in a very long time. Oh how I miss thee
First off, my stage performances are getting better. Still not a whole lotta new recorded material, but soon enough. The month of August was jam packed with shows and there are more to come. But I must say this month had so many highlights.
I'm back at Belmont, thankfully. Mom and Dad I love you, but I hated being at home this summer lol. And to my beloved Kroger, I hate your guts. However I love your savings, discounted groceries, and thanks for still giving me the extra 10% associate discount even tho I'm no longer employed there.
My personal goal is to never work another job again after Kroger and so far I'm on the right track. All i need now is a CONSTANT flow of money to replace crappy employment FOREVER. I'm so sincere about this. I went car hunting with my refund check money. And as I said before, I'm not settling for anything less than a Lexus. Preferably an ES 300 or 330. So please stop tryna convince me to settle for a Honda. I'm stubborn. Ignorantly and stupidly so sometimes, however I'm serious nonetheless. And I'm a product of the game for the last freakin time. I cant help the fact I spend unnecessary amounts of money on shoes and soon to be a Luxury car I can barely afford lol. It looks good and I want it.
With that being said, I've been having quite a bit of of fun talkin a big game this month. I must admit, being cocky is even more fun than I anticipated hahaha. The party I threw last Friday... OMG i talked that party up soooo huge.... and look what happened. 600+ ppl, only bout 4 days of planning (shout out to Sir Lazenby), and pretty much the best freakin party anybody had ever been to. Everyone that doubted me is now on a scrotum diet haha. I do need to check myself at times, because recently I have not been able to simply put up this conceited front when I tweet or talk to people, and I assume this entire hella cocky personality in which I actually feel like I'm the best thing that ever happened to music, entertainment, women, everything. And i think its starting to show lol. But the strange thing about it, is that I keep on backing it up. I'm fueling my inner ego. LOL. And this is coming from the former self-acclaimed "Humble Man of The Year".
Anyway, I'm happier than ever. I admit, my spirituality is slipping a lil. No church in a while, and have been having a harder time finding moments to pray. If there is one thing about me, no one ever needs to tell me what i need to improve on or tell me about myself. I analyze myself as well as others quite effectively and accurately. And i will be the first person to put myself in check.
So, in closing, thanks to everyone that has journeyed with me thus far. Soon I'll be too famous to even return your tweets, facebook comments, and myspace messages LOL jk (sorta) but anyway, I do appreciate every single compliment I have ever gotten or every time someone walks up to me on campus just to tell me how amazing they think my music is. Because all of that is confirmation that I am headed in the right direction with this talent God birthed in me. I'll never lose sight of where my gift comes from and that ultimately my goal is to bring him glory. Yall just have to learn to not take it so personal when I start ranting about my how I deserve to be recognized as the hottest entertainer on the face of the Earth. I can't help it sometimes lol
Here are some pics from my party this weekend
Labels: cocky, fame, humility, Kroger, Lexus, Sir Lazenby
11:31 PM  |
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
August 20009 Updated Shows (Part Deux)
Friday Aug 21st @ The Rutledge, 8 pm
Live taping, Not Just Country TV
Admission: $10
Saturday Aug 22nd @ 12th and Porter, 9 PM
W/ Afroman
Admission: TBD
HAHAHAHA This is gonna be the highest show of my life LOL enough said
Friday Aug 28th @ Belmont University, 6:30 pm
W/ my band The Apollo 5
Featuring several other Belmont acts
Admission: FREE

Friday Aug 28th @ Mercy Lounge, 8 pm
W/ my band The Legendary Biscuits and Gravy
Kid Electric Concerts Presents: Michael Jackson's Off The Wall album played LIVE
Admission: $10 (Tix at door or now at

Sunday Aug 30th @ Belmont University, 7 pm
W/ my band The Apollo 5
Featuring a few other acts
Admission: FREE
This show will be dope cuz its on the top of the Belmont Parking Garage
See u there!
Labels: belmont university, biscuits and gravy, chase foster, kid electric concerts, off the wall, on the blvd, parker welling, skyline, the apollo 5
6:52 PM  |
Monday, August 17, 2009

The deadline for submissions to the SCI FLY REMIX EP are on my birthday SEPTEMBER 17TH!! So producers and DJ's already have the acappellas to start workin.... and NOW, and u lyricists, singers, and emcees have
So get to work! Start submitting
remixes to!!
Labels: the sci fly ep, the sci fly ep acappella, the sci fly ep instrumentals
1:09 PM  |
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
As promised, here are the long awaited
Acappellas from The Sci Fly EP. Producers, DJ's, remixers, aspiring beat makers... SHOW ME WHAT U GOT! The deadline for the remix CD is one month from today on September 11th. can email your remixes to
They will be blasted on youtube, twitter, a BUNCHA online blogs, etc etc. So if you are looking for some more exposure or just wanna show off your skills,
download THE SCI FLY EP ACAPPELLAS and get to work! out to
DJ Jane Dupree that already did her thing to "Cleaning Out My Hard Drive"
Labels: acappella, dj jane dupree, the sci fly ep acappella
8:03 PM  |
Saturday, August 8, 2009
EVEN MORE Updated Performance schedule for the month of August
Sunday Aug 16th @ The Place
W/ Raheem DeVaughn and The Legendary Biscuits and Gravy
Admission: $20-$120
Click Flier for more info

Friday Aug 21st @ The Rutledge, 8 pm
Live taping, Not Just Country TV
Admission: $10
Saturday Aug 22nd @ 12th and Porter, 9 PM
W/ Afroman
Admission: TBD
HAHAHAHA This is gonna be the highest show of my life LOL enough said
Friday Aug 28th @ Belmont University, 6:30 pm
W/ my band The Apollo 5
Featuring several other Belmont acts
Admission: FREE

Friday Aug 28th @ Mercy Lounge, 8 pm
W/ my band The Legendary Biscuits and Gravy
Kid Electric Concerts Presents: Michael Jackson's Off The Wall album played LIVE
Admission: $10 (Tix at door or now at
Sunday Aug 30th @ Belmont University, 7 pm
W/ my band The Apollo 5
Featuring a few other acts
Admission: FREE
This show will be dope cuz its on the top of the Belmont Parking Garage
Hope to see yall at the next few shows!
PEACELabels: afroman, belmont university, biscuits and gravy, kid electric concerts, mercy lounge, michael jackson, not just country tv, off the wall, openmic, the apollo 5
1:20 PM  |
Friday, August 7, 2009
This video freaks me the heck out if I watch it at night in the dark....
But still the song is a CLASSIC. I would sample it, if it wasn't played out already. Give it a few years and you can expect something from me haha
See what I mean....? They was on some other stuff haha. But sometimes a lil cocaine is all it takes to make a dope track!! SACRIFICE!!! hahahaha DEFINITELY kidding
Labels: art of noise, making love, throwback
3:58 PM  |
Monday, August 3, 2009
I bit this off of the Pwelbs website
Jay-Z: The Blueprint 3 Album Art + Tracklist

1. What We Talking About (Produced by Kanye West)
2. D.O.A. (Produced by No I.D.)
3. Weigh Me Down Feat. Kid Cudi (Produced by Kanye West)
4. Unforgiven (Produced by Kanye West, Additional Production: MGMT)
5. Run This Town Feat. Rihanna & Kanye West (Produced by Kanye West)
6. Empire State Of Mind Feat. Nas (Produced by Kanye West & No I.D.)
7. When It Comes To This (Produced by Timbaland)
8. Always Feat. Drake (Produced by Kanye West)
9. Scenes From The Past (Produced by No I.D., Co-produced by Kanye West)
10. Everyday A Star Is Born Feat. Mr. Hudson (Produced by Kanye West)
11. Already Home (Produced by Kanye West)
12. Forever Young Feat. Mr. Hudson (Produced by Kanye West)
13. Thank You (Produced by No I.D.)
Bonus Tracks:
14. Sound Of The 70s (Produced by Kanye West)
15. We Made History (Produced by Kanye West)
Im TOOOO hype. Ive always had my ups and downs with Jay over the years. But when its all said and done, he's in my Top 5 on any day. I just might actually buy this CD hahahaha. And for those that know me, that says ALOT. 9/11 BABY!
Labels: jay-z, the blueprint 3
5:26 PM  |