Thursday, April 16, 2009
This is the first blog from my phone, so here goes....
So far the dwnloads for the ep are slower than expected but atleast they are still flowing pretty steady. I roughly get about 100 a day..... I need closer to a thousand a day! But ppl will catch on soon enuff... Overall im pretty pleased with the reception of it. Nobody has hated it. Well, lemme say nobody has come to me and told me they hated it. In fact most ppl just start listing their fav tracks. Even if folk did hate i could care less. Its amazing to me lol
The official release/listening party was GOD AWFUL! Lol im real enuff to admit not that many ppl came. And it was borderline lame. Lol ok it was lame. Everybody said they were coming and got a nigga all excited! But no.... Lol i still played the ep for the 10 ppl that came and the 6 or so other ppl there solely for the bar hahaha. Oh well. To be honest im glad its over. Its been a stressful process. That, and the industry release party 2 weeks ago. That was ok. Not lame. But still a lil dissapointing. Wanted more industry ppl there. In aayed the ep for the 10 ppl that came and the 6 or so other ppl there solely for the bar hahaha. Oh well. To be honest im glad its over. Its been a stressperfect world, the head of every label would have been there and i would have gotten a BAGILLION label offers instantly. But of course it didnt happen like that
Back to the grind.
School seems super irrelevant nowadays. I dont listen in class, i write lyrics during lectures, and i perform instead of doin hw at night. But i guess im here for a reason. Still cant quite figure it out.
Anyway, this phone blogging is weird, yet so technologically savy. I feel cool lol.
2:33 PM  |
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