Monday, April 27, 2009
Hello again to all the followers of my relatively unknown yet highly unpredictable blog about myself. Lol
This week begins the final stretch of classes, assignments, and the ever so dreaded FINAL EXAMS before the 3 month summer break
I am sooooooooooooooooo not looking forward to the summer. Im not even looking forward to tomorrow. I have so many assignments i need to catch up on, I have so many unread chapters in my still virtually untouched text books that require studying and review before exams begin. I pretty much have to get A's or B's on all my exams...
Except for my vocal lessons, i think im doing pretty good in that... lol
I wish there was a grade for determination and drive. I wish GPA reflected how effectively someone was working towards their career and goals. Id have a 3.4 easily lol. (You like how i graded myself, huh).
Some people spend all semester nose-deep in their textbooks and dont get a chance to use college for what it is, a maturing process. Now im not knockin anybody on their grade point hustle or academic goals. I just think its important to make a balance. Because when I graduate, I would personally hate to look back and say "OMG i wish i had've enjoyed those years more or utilized the college experience for what it was."
With that being said, I know I have NOOO balance. Im the total opposite of the book worm, teachers pet. Im a professors worse nightmare lol. But at the same time, Im gaining so much just about life in general from taking advantage of college. Im forever thankful for my full scholarship to Belmont because its allowed me to really branch out and discover things about myself and life.
Given that, I still do have obligations to make grades, like I mentioned in my last blog post. And thats where I fall short. So thats why these last couple of weeks are gonna be hell (and Im not just talkin about the weather... cuz it is hell outside).
So these last few weeks will make or break me. Actually why lie. I dont even think its that crucial. Even if i did flunk a class or didnt get the grades I desire, life goes on. Im not gonna get kicked out of school, its not the end of the world. Im not worried. I just need some of that good ole academic discipline to kick in like NOW... especially if i plan on not getting any messages, letters, or restrictions from the admissions and financial aid office AGAIN. They really are my college parole officers. They step in to make sure im not f****n up pretty much. Annoying? YES. But also understandable. They just care about a nigga succeedin and stuuuuuf.
ANYWAY, in other news, The Belmont Best of The Best showcase was AMAZING on saturday. Ok, im lying, I was amazing lol I didnt see any of the other acts, so thats not me being cocky, just me being honest. I cant comment on the other acts but Im sure they were good as well because after all we all do represent the best that Belmont University has to offer.
My band did a great job of pulling our show together literally in the week of the show, with 3 rehearsals last week. So Kudos to the Freshness League. Everybody loved it. I just wish people could have come up to the stage to get hype with me like at the Urban/Pop showcase last fall. But oh well, it was still a great show. Overall I was quite pleased. Just kinda wish my shirt fit better hahaha. IM BOUT TO BE ON THAT WORKOUT, NIGGAZ! Footage from the show coming soon.
In conclusion, just pray for me yall. I really need to dig deep for this discipline to so well academically. Cuz if you have been following my blog then u really know I dont care the slightest bit. I talked with my cousin on facebook last week. He is graduating and said he has senioritis. Thats understandable. But me?? I have kanye-itis. Thats the college dropout syndrome... But then again I refuse to drop out of college, especially with no back up plan. But it seems like a more attractive option everyday
Labels: belmont university, kanye west, summer
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