Monday, March 2, 2009

I know this post is kinda late, with the Grammys airing the beginning of last month and all... but today I was just thinking about how CRAZY Lil Wayne's career has been. RIDICULOUS. I remember back when I was younger hearing Wayne recklessly "wobble wobble" his way on tracks... and in 8th grade hearin songs like "Shine" with predictable metaphors like "Dog I got cake like everyday my birthday" hahaha. Hey, i thought it was hot then anyway. I didnt really know much about Wayne. I knew he was part of the Hot Boys and Cash Money... but that was about it...
Then, "Go DJ" came out...
Maaaan... that joint was crazy. Wayne became THAT NIGGA! His image, lyrics, everything was ridiculous. I guess it was like his maturity into the game cuz he was on his grown man hustle for real. After that I started payin attention to him. I was kinda late to The Carter, but it quickly grew on me. Metaphors on point, swag on high.... People started takin him seriously as a rapper instead of just that young nigga from the cash money crew from back in the day lol.
But it didnt stop after that.... Then came the Dedication 2 with DJ Drama...
RIDICULOUS!! My senior year of high school i remember that was all anybody talked about... Dedication 2, Dedication 2.

It went on to chart! on billboard!! can u believe that?? Its one of the only mixtapes to be a critical and financial success. They sold it on freakin iTunes for cryin out loud, and it was reviewed in Rolling Stones. Wayne went over every popular track at the time and murdered it.... Lyrically wayne was a beast and his flow was at its best. I still wasnt a "fan" tho. Just thought he was better than he used to be...
Then...Carter II was released.
I was officially a Wayne-head hahaha pun intended. "Money on My Mind" "Fireman" "Hustler Music" "Grown Man" the list goes on... I used to bump that album religiously. Wayne had reached a new level of success. I thought he had peaked as an artist with Carter 1, but I was proven wrong. Wayne had really mastered his flow and upped his swag even more. I literally knew almost every word of that album.
After that, Wayne's popularity and celebrity status never quite stopped rising
Mixtape after mixtape, feature after feature, article after article.... you couldn't deny Lil Wayne. even if you didnt like him as an artist, you couldn't help but to admire his ability to remain so relevant in music by flooding, literally flooding, the internet and the radio with remixes, exclusives, just songs out the butt. In 2007 XXL magazine named "The Carter 3" the most anticipated album of 2008, and Rolling Stone named it the #3 most anticipated. And no one could deny it. The anticipation for The Carter 3 was so great its all people talked about. I've never been so excited for an album. I've never had so many talks with people about an album before it even came out. Each interview, mixtape, etc, Wayne was preparing people for the coming of the Carter 3 like it was Jesus or something. And everybody felt the anticipation.
Then, June 10th 2008.... personally I aint wait to buy it. but i still got it... ya feel me? lol i told you i couldnt handle the anticipation!!

1 million sold in a week. Enough said. Lil Wayne had reached superstardom
Personally, I thought the album was overrated and didnt deliver.... at first
Then, when I actually listened to it and stopped bein so negative about it, I loved it. I dont think its a classic, but I do think it definitely delivered on its promise. The album has a lot of anthems that are timeless. "Lollipop" will forever be the perfect club and party starting track. "A Milli"...i dont care what anybody says, that was THE BEST hip hop song of 2008. And arguably one of the best in the decade. Never has a song like that had such an effect on not only fans, listeners, and consumers, but the industry. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY REMIXES THERE WERE OF "A MILLI"?? I dont either, but it was a lot. Its easier to ask who DIDNT do a remix of "a milli" lol. And the genius of the song is really the beat. Bangladesh murdered that track. He was already producing for major acts but that put his name in alot of peoples mouths. The beat was so simple yet catchy, and Wayne's flow just complemented it perfectly. You cant beat that combination. Very few artists have a song with an effect like that.
Then... came the Grammy Awards...
Wayne won freakin FOUR Grammys. He was nominated for EIGHT!!!! Thats crazy. Currently..Mar 2nd 2009, there is no denying Wayne as an artist, fashion icon, etc etc, he is bigger than Hip Hop now. Im sure no one saw this coming. Not even Wayne himself, no matter what drugs he's on.
What's next? Well Carter IV of course, but b4 that... Rebirth. His rock album hahaha. Ima cop it too. "Hot Revolver" is crazy. Im not too much a fan of "Prom Queen" but Im just excited that Wayne now has the creative ability, musical freedom, and audience to do something as "out there" as a rock album. Whether its hot or not, Wayne isn't falling off anytime soon. He keeps reinventing himself and releasing songs; and as a result he remains relevant in music and ultimately pop culture

Here's to you Dwayne Carter lol, keep doin ya thing bruh
Labels: 3, carter, cash money, grammys, lil wayne
11:18 AM  |
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