Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Alot of yall been asking about my bands next show. Well, The Legenday Biscuits and Gravy is set to rock out B.B. Kings downstairs stage once again this Thursday, Feb 26th at 8pm. Admission is $10. Dont even trip cuz you know its worth it. Even if you aint seen us b4, i know you've heard that its worth it

ANYWAY, for those of yall that dont know, B-A-G been killin the music scene here in Nashville and even Bowling Green, KY, a lil bit of Atlanta, and a few other places, but we definitely on our way.

No matter what I do on the solo tip, theres still somethin special about the chemistry we all have as a band. So, you dont want to miss us at B.B. Kings this Thursday. We haven't played in a few weeks so we are EXTRA hungry to get on stage and remind people why we are the youngest hottest urban band period
For more info on the band or shows, visit
Labels: b.b. kings, biscuits and gravy
2:29 PM  |
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