Wednesday, February 11, 2009
if u havent heard by now, triple threat chris brown was arrested and charged with makin criminal threats to singer rihanna. and now he has lost alot of endorsements and you know how all that goes, we've seen it a million times. read more about it in the link below
MTV News Article i just wanted to share my thoughts on the whole situation....
i know its messed up im laughin at chris brown situation right now but Katt williams taught me to get my seven laughs.... so.... HA HA HAHAHA HA H A!!! perfect ole tall light skindedededd nigga that can sing dance and act FINALLY got some dirt!!!
am i hating???
of course i am!
light skindeded VS dark skindededed niggaz has been a competition since the beginning of the negro existence. ive only been keepin score since i was young back in the early 90's.... but its been a non stop WAR. light skindededed niggaz always had people like will smith, LL Cool J, and 90% of every african american sex idol
and now they are in the lead cuz they got BARACK!! YOU GET MAD POINTS FOR LANDIN THE PRESIDENT!!!
however, as of recently, rapper t.i. caused the team to lose a few points for the gun charges, but he got them back with his last album which is amazing...
and NOW this chris brown assault case was a MAJOR deduction
not to mention, high yellow niggaz like cuba gooding, jr. always make the light skinneddeded side lose points for overall LAMENESS

on the other side, us darkies got people like wesley snipes, samuel l jackson, p diddy ,chris tucker, and the ever so classic denzel washington (bonus points *ca ching*)
historically, we've lost points for stuff like michael jordan with his gamblin addiction forever ago, and we faced a loss with the whole michael jackson little boy scandals back when he was black, but thankfully he turned light skinddeded and soon thereafter, full on WHITE
and as of lately Kanye west been costing us a GANG of points lately with that dang shag on his head and his social awkwardness!

but dont get it twisted, thats still my fav artist
and lil wayne got us a deduction for that dang lip ring.... not pimpin.
oh, and how can i forget the classic case that put us darkies WAAAAAY behind.... KOBE BRYANT (enough said.)
ANYWAY... seriously i hope the best for chris brown... and i can actually say i got a whole new respect for him cuz my nigga Ike-d a ho hahahahaha somethin is tellin me, rihanna next album might resemble tina turner!
ok ok SERIOUSLY, FOR REAL now. i hope the best for him cuz i know he is dealin with alot even more than michael phelps cuz chris is black and got arrested so now he has entered the realm of loss endorsements, bad reputation, and typical nigga status. sorry bruh. you got a long road ahead of you. i know that issues like this are blown outta proportion with celebrities... but still... u hit a woman...
u disturbia-d rihannas face LMAO
then she sent out a SOS to the police LMAO
ok i quit.. for real
Labels: black, chris brown, dark skin, ike, light skin, rihanna, tina turner
9:12 AM  |
You STOOPID for that post bro. Seriously LOL. Shout out to all my darkies out there! We coming up! Real talk tho CB is in some deep ish. I guess thats the hard part of being a celebrity. No matter what, somebody watching you. I'm mad you said that he Ike-d her and that picture of Cuba ROTFL!. We'll see what happens to the young boy but I part by quoting Sir David Chappelle the Great "Tough break nigga, theres always FUBU!"
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You STOOPID for that post bro. Seriously LOL. Shout out to all my darkies out there! We coming up! Real talk tho CB is in some deep ish. I guess thats the hard part of being a celebrity. No matter what, somebody watching you. I'm mad you said that he Ike-d her and that picture of Cuba ROTFL!. We'll see what happens to the young boy but I part by quoting Sir David Chappelle the Great "Tough break nigga, theres always FUBU!"